The Witch Stalks Us
Short Story : The Witch Stalks Us.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark ( Horror Story)
By Prabir Rai Chaudhuri . All Copyright Reserved 2018
When I was young I was a seminarian. I did not follow that path for reasons that I prefer to keep to myself, however, I want to share a story The Witch Stalks Us Horror Story of a series of events that happened to me during my stay in a seminary in my country, Chile.
I would not like people who are listening to my story to think that everything I experienced there was the reason I abandoned this vocation. On the contrary, I think that we can all serve God in our own way. What is true is that all the people who dedicate themselves to the study of our faith are the most besieged by the evil entities that inhabit our world.
I had been in the seminary for some time when we were informed that we would be sent to another location, located near a town. The facilities at this place are more complete, it has a gym, a swimming pool, many green areas and a farm.
The tasks were shared among all the seminarians and I was entrusted with taking care of some animals on the farm, of which there were sheep, some goats and some ducks.
There were also some kittens living there, one of whom I called Tomás, became fond of me immediately, and even slept next to me in the bunk beds.
Everything went well for the first few weeks. I didn't like to socialize with the other seminarians very much, so I focused only on my studies, duties, and exercise.
On one occasion, at mealtime, I overheard two seminarians talking about strange things that were happening. One of them told the other that during the night he heard an owl talking to him from the bedroom window, the other said he swore he heard animals talking. I didn't pay much attention to them at the time, as I told you, I wasn't usually very social back then .
Tomas, the cat, accompanied me everywhere, but suddenly he didn't want to follow me to the farm anymore, even once when I was carrying him on my lap, when we got to the corrals, he snorted and ran back to the dormitory area .
That day, when I was feeding the animals, I noticed that some of the sheep were behaving strangely, they were moving away from the group and seemed to stare at me. I don't know why, but something about them made me feel afraid. For a week it was the same, a sheep and a goat would move away from the others and stand in front of me , as if stalking me. Although they never wanted to attack me, I reported the behavior of the animals and they had them checked by a veterinarian in the town. After checking them, I was informed that the animals were very healthy, they did not show any illness. Two more
days went by , when, cleaning a corral, I found several things, some figures made with branches in the shape of a five-pointed star, several pieces of cloth tied with red thread, they looked like small dolls , because they had eyes and a mouth painted on them. I collected all the objects with a brush to collect leaves and put them all in a bag. Although I had never seen similar objects, I could not stop associating them with witchcraft fetishes. That night, I was awakened by the sounds of cats in heat. Tomás was next to me, he did not move, he only purred. The sounds were getting closer and closer , so I could tell that it wasn't something normal. In fact, several of my roommates suddenly stood up, turned on the light and began to pray. The cats were making noise right outside the room, and Tomás was snorting as if the sounds bothered him. My roommates began to murmur that it was the devil himself who was lurking around us, and we all began to pray.
While I was praying, I happened to look at the wooden crucifix on the door. I don't know if it was my imagination, but for a few moments I thought I saw the cross upside down. I suggested to the other seminarians that we go out and see what was happening, since, at that moment, all the animals on the farm seemed agitated. As you can imagine, no one dared to go out; they all repeated the same story I heard in the dining room: they said that something evil was roaming the farm and making the animals talk.
After three in the morning, the cats left and the animals fell silent, until then I managed to sleep.
The next day, I learned that a sheep had to be separated from the rest because it was acting very aggressively, attacking other animals in the corral, as well as anyone who approached it. I went to see the animal. It didn't seem so erratic, but something in its gaze intimidated you. It seemed as if the animal wanted to read our thoughts, or at least that's what I thought. In short, the rumor began to spread among the seminarians that something evil was lurking in the area where the animals lived; something or someone was bewitching them. Fortunately, I was moved to be in charge of some crops. Unfortunately for me , evil had not forgotten to lurk in that area as well. Sometimes when I was watering or doing chores, I heard as if many snakes were crawling behind me . However, every time I turned around in fear to locate the vipers, I only saw nothing. One afternoon, I was digging a plot of land when I saw a woman hunched over in some bushes. I noticed that she was looking at me with a sinister smile; her face did not look normal; there was something about her face that seemed false to me, I don't know how to explain it, it was like her skin was forming a kind of mask. Although I only saw her for a few moments, it was enough to scare me enough to not forget the shape of that face. Even though the woman was a few meters away from me , I didn't look away from her. I raised the shovel with which I was digging the earth. If the strange woman came close to me, I would hit her in the face. I heard several seminarians shouting in the distance . I was distracted for a few seconds, and when I looked back in the direction of the strange woman, she was gone.
I headed in the direction where I heard the screams.
It turns out that a seminarian was seriously injured by a goat that had become dangerously aggressive. I didn't get a good look at the victim , because by the time I arrived the paramedics were already taking him away . No one dared to catch the goat, so they called the vet, who after giving it a sedative, put it in an isolated cage. The doctor took a blood sample, because according to him , the animal didn't show signs of any disease that could be causing this behavior. That night, we prayed for the injured companion, who we knew was in critical condition and was undergoing surgery on his head, because the blow had reached his brain. That night we heard the sounds of the cats again, but neither Tomás nor I paid attention to them, I was already feeling very tired, although I did hear my companions praying in fear. The next day we learned that our colleague had survived the operation, but that he would not be able to return to the seminary. His brain had suffered irreparable damage, and the poor man would never be the same again . After this tragedy , no one wanted to take care of the animals. Everyone said that the seminary was being haunted. The rumors reached the ears of the highest-ranking priests, who took the matter very seriously. They began to question each of the seminarians one by one. They wanted to clear up any doubt that any of us were practicing witchcraft. I began to talk more with the other colleagues, and I even dared to tell them everything I had seen. I even told them about the hunchbacked woman I saw in the field. Several of my colleagues agreed that on several occasions they had seen this woman, who was thought to be a witch, and it was obvious that she was the cause of the animals going mad on the farm. Almost everyone seemed to have seen that woman, although some said she was different from how I saw her. I remember that there was someone who mentioned having seen her face like a harlequin. In short, the panic did not subside until the priests began to bless and purify the land. This only served to reassure the seminarians.
I was put back in the animal area. So that we wouldn't feel scared, we did the activities in pairs.
One day we were cleaning the sheep pen. We divided up the work, we didn't stay too far apart from each other. Suddenly I began to hear a voice that was different from the other seminarian's, it sounded too hoarse and strange.
Thinking that my companion was faking his voice to scare me, I shouted at him to stop , but he told me that it wasn't him and that he had also heard that strange voice. We continued working, when suddenly one of the sheep made a sound that forced us to jump, it was horrible, it didn't sound at all like its natural sound. From one moment to the next we heard as if the animals were talking, it wasn't as if their sound formed words, no, they were words that were heard among themselves.
I don't know if it was because of the state of panic I was in that made me hallucinate, but I noticed as if the heads of some of the sheep took on a certain sinister, almost human shape, they were looking at us, stalking us.
I didn't know what to do, I was expecting the worst, I didn't want to end up like that poor boy, with part of his brain damaged. I cried in desperation and I didn't want to run , because I thought that if I did this, more of those demonic animals would attack me, giving me a fate worse than the other boy.
I don't know how long I was standing, I only remember that several companions took me out of the corral carrying me on their shoulders.
I went into a kind of nervous breakdown, I was isolated, I didn't want to talk to anyone and according to what I found out, the other boy who was with me was worse than me, I just wanted to be asleep. I, on the other hand, began to have a certain involuntary trembling of my hands and my dreams were horrible, they were always about the same thing, the animals spoke to me in the corral and in the background, in the field, a hunchbacked woman was accompanied by the devil himself. They wanted to come for my soul and to achieve this, they had to drive me crazy.
When I dared to tell the doctors and priests what had happened to me, they agreed that I should be transferred to another facility .
It took me a while to recover, I was constantly visited by a psychiatrist and a priest specialized in these issues related to witchcraft. The tremor in my hands did not improve, they did several tests, there was no apparent reason that caused this , according to the doctors this was caused by a response provoked by somethingThey call it post-traumatic stress. Another thing that made me feel bad was episodes in which I would recreate what I had experienced. I was very shocked to hear animals speak . I constantly mentioned this to the psychiatrist, but his response was always the same, that everything was caused by this state of post-traumatic stress. The priests, on the other hand, gave me a series of prayers and spiritual exercises that little by little managed to return me to normal. Despite the efforts of several priests, I could not help but lose interest in following this vocation of being a priest.
I met a girl and it was there that I left the seminary.
I do not know if they have managed to cleanse the evil from that place. I do not want to even imagine how many lives or souls that strange witch has claimed. I hope to God that the priests have put an end to this evil, for the good of all those young seminarians and above all I wish with all my heart that the kitten Tomás is still alive.
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