The Medium…
Short Story : The Medium.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark ( Horror Story)
By Prabir Rai Chaudhuri . All Copyright Reserved 2018
What I am going to tell you happened to me eight months ago, I came to study in Mexico City but I am from another country, I usually try to travel every year-end to spend that time with my family and last year during the mid-year holidays, a classmate invited me to travel with her to her parents' house in the state of Chiapas, the truth is I had a great time, everyone was very kind to me and I got to know places I had never seen before and I also had an out of the ordinary experience.
I have always been intrigued by what happens after death. I like to hear paranormal stories or anecdotes from people who have encountered spirits or beings that are not from this world. The truth is that I have had a couple of paranormal experiences, but the one I witnessed on those dates is one of the ones that has left the biggest mark on me.
My plan was to stay with my friend for two weeks. She is the oldest of three sisters. The two youngest are eight and eleven years old. Her parents' house is inside a kind of condominium with several houses. It is very pretty, cozy, with wooden floors and ceilings. It has three bedrooms, so during the time we spent there, her two sisters stayed in one, the two of us in the other, and the other was her parents' room.
The first thing I noticed was that all the neighbors knew each other, they greeted each other every time they crossed paths on the street, they all seemed to have been living there for quite a while, I don't know how to explain it but as soon as I arrived I began to feel a strange, like melancholic energy.
One afternoon as we were leaving the house, a lady who was entering one of the houses in front greeted my friend from afar. I don't know why, but I could see that there was a certain sadness in her eyes.
We walked a little further and as we passed the fence I noticed that there was a kind of altar in the street against a post, it had flowers of different colors, photos of a small child, candles that had burned out over time and others that were new, my friend noticed that I was looking at it, she told me that the neighbor who greeted us before was the mother of that child, unfortunately a few months ago a car had run over the little boy, his mother told her that it was a very sad event because also after the accident the child had gotten up and seemed to be fine, but he died a few moments later and now although some time had passed since that event.
People continued to bring flowers and candles to the site of the accident. When she told me this, I felt a lump form in my throat. It was a very sad story, but at that moment I understood why there was that energy.
A few days later in the morning I was lying in the room, my friend had gotten up early so I was alone.
I remember that I was at that moment when one has not fully woken up but is no longer sleeping, then I felt a small hand grab my wrist, the hand was cold and was like that of a small child.
I quickly looked next to the bed but saw no one, then I noticed that out of nowhere my jacket, which was hanging on a hook behind the door, crossed the room as if someone had thrown it from one side to the other.
I got up and went to the door to check that it was locked, then in the distance I heard a laugh like that of little children. I went downstairs to look for my friend and tell her what had happened to me, but she wasn't there. So I took my cell phone to write to her and I realized that I had a message from her, saying that everyone had left the house that morning, but she didn't want to wake me up. I didn't say anything to her at that moment. I also didn't want to go back up to the bedroom and preferred to wait in the living room for them to return.
That afternoon I told her what had happened. I remember that one of her sisters, the eleven-year-old, was with us listening to my story. The girl told us that it was not the first time that something like that had happened. She had heard a conversation between her mother and a neighbor.
She told her that sometimes during the afternoon when she was in the living room near the front door she would hear small footsteps and laughter outside, sometimes there would be a knock on the door but when the neighbor came out to see who it was, she found no one there, however what shocked us the most was what she told us about my friend's younger sister.
The little girl, who was eight years old, was a friend of the boy who died. She was very sad after receiving the news, but a few days later she began to tell her mother that she was sure she would see her friend again, because she had had a dream in which he told her that he would go to her house that afternoon to play.
Her mother tried to explain to her that the little boy couldn't go see her, but the girl was convinced that he would go, so that afternoon they heard her running from one side to the other, she was laughing and seemed to be talking to someone, her sister had asked her why she was acting so strange and the girl told her that she was with her friend, the neighbor.
That night at dinner he had asked everyone why they couldn't see him, his parents didn't know what to answer, the little girl said that her friend didn't understand why lately people were acting as if they weren't seeing him.
She had told the boy that everyone thought he had had an accident, but the little boy said he didn't remember any of it.
After hearing that story, my friend told me that she was going to find a moment to talk to her mother and find out what had happened. She wanted to know if she had been able to tell the little boy's mother what her little sister had said.
So that same night before we went to bed she spoke to her mother, and then she told me that she had indeed spoken to the boy's mother, that these events had happened only a few weeks before we arrived, and that a few days ago the lady went to tell her that since she was very worried about her son's soul, she decided to contact a person who could communicate with the afterlife, a medium.
That weekend they were going to have a session to contact him and I had asked my friend's mother to go with her.
Since my friend's father didn't believe much in these stories, his mother didn't tell him anything about the spiritualist session he was going to participate in, she simply told him that she was going to see the neighbor, but my friend and I knew exactly what was happening, of course we didn't say anything, but that afternoon we watched the boy's house from the bedroom window, we saw the moment when my friend's mother and two other neighbors came in, apparently they were all mothers of other children who used to play together before the accident.
A few minutes later we saw another lady arrive, an ordinary woman except that she had beautiful jet black hair, which she wore braided and still reached below her waist. Since my friend didn't recognize her, we both assumed that she must be the medium.
We spent almost an hour and a half attentive to the slightest movement in the house across the street, although from time to time we looked at our cell phones or looked for some documented cases of spiritualist sessions, but they were all very different, then at one point while I was looking out the window I began to realize that there was a kind of light coming out of the ceiling, it was very dim, not like the light emanating from a lamp, it was more like a reflection, I had never seen anything like that.
The fact is that this kind of reflection surrounded the roof of the house in front for a few moments as if it were a cloud and then it simply vanished into the air, then I looked at my friend to make sure it hadn't been my imagination and in fact she had seen it too.
We stood in silence for a while, we couldn't believe what we had just witnessed, I think another half hour must have passed until we saw the front door open, all the ladies including my friend's mom came out, except for the woman with the black hair.
We were about to go down to ask her mother what had happened, but my friend asked me to wait for her to come up to tell us. In the meantime, we kept an eye out for the medium to leave, and when she did, we saw that before leaving, she stopped at every corner of the house and bowed her head, as if she were praying, then she left.
My friend's mother took a long time but finally came to the room to tell us what had happened. She told us that she didn't have the words to explain in detail everything she experienced that day, but she was going to try to tell us the most important things.
The medium had seated everyone around the table and asked the child's mother for a photo, an item of clothing, and an object that the child appreciated.
Then she started to say some kind of prayers. At that moment, my friend's mother said that she had felt something very strange, like a different energy. It wasn't something heavy or scary, but it felt like being in another place, in another country.
The medium then said that the little boy was there and wanted to talk to his parents. He didn't understand what was happening. Apparently he wasn't aware that his time in this world had ended. At that moment, his voice broke and he was about to shed tears, but he continued telling us.
Everyone present was moved by the scene. The boy's parents and his older brother had the opportunity to say goodbye to him. Later, the medium had tried to guide him to the other world. My friend's mother described that at that moment she saw something that matched what we had seen on the roof of the house.
After that event, the medium asked everyone present to pray that night and for eight more nights, so we did too. For nine days in total, before going to sleep, we prayed and asked for the soul of the little boy. The medium
Copyright © 2018 Prabir Rai Chaudhuri
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