Horror story, Companions…
Short Story : Companions.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark ( Horror Story)
By Prabir Rai Chaudhuri . All Copyright Reserved 2018
This story that I am going to tell did not only happen to me, it was also experienced by two friends, and for me it has been a life lesson from all of us.
Even though time has passed, I remember almost everything as if it were yesterday, and the fact that I do so still gives me goose bumps, but I also remember my friends fondly.
My name is Arturo, I was born near Santiago Nuevo León, in a small town with very few inhabitants, but now I live in Monterrey on the antenna hill. I am currently eighty years old.
When I was nine, I still didn't have any siblings, since my mother was a single mother and we lived very poor, but the truth is that at that time I didn't realize that and I was very happy in the wooden house where we lived.
I had two friends older than me, Blanca, ten years old, and Tere, thirteen, also of limited resources. I remember that at night, around nine o'clock, we would still run outside our houses; the roads were dirt and we had no light.
In the darkness we chased fireflies and watched bats fly by. We walked carefully but without fear, because at that time and in that place evil did not exist or we could not see it.
One evening, when it was almost dark, my mother arrived home in a hurry because, according to her, she had been bitten by one of the many bats that abound in that area. Although she did not complain, I could tell that it hurt, but she only washed herself with a little water and said that nothing was wrong, although I noticed that she was scared.
At that time there was talk of a very large bat that was ravaging the region and that did not belong there, but we were very young and did not give it any importance.
After about two days, my mother already looked bad and visibly tired. When I looked at the wound, it was infected. Now I know that there were two points separated enough to know that what had bitten her was a very large animal.
One afternoon, she didn't want to get out of bed and asked me to call a neighbor, Doña Elida, who was the mother of one of my friends. It was about six or seven o'clock, and it was almost nighttime.
When the lady looked at the wound she was worried because it was getting uglier and uglier. My mother also told her what had happened. Doña Elida told her that she had to get treatment because bats spread diseases.
But the medical clinic was very far away, in the town of Santiago, and the people in the villages were used to treating themselves with home remedies or visiting the healer .
It was around ten o'clock at night when Doña Elida worriedly told me that I had to go to the healer, since I didn't know where she lived.
He told my two friends to come with me, we just had to follow a narrow path in the middle of the forest.
That particular night was darker than usual. My friend's mother gave us a small oil lamp, one of those that you put oil in and light a wick. She also blessed us while telling Tere to take care of us from who she already knew, and so we walked hand in hand, losing ourselves in the darkness.
My friend Tere, the oldest one, was looking after us and she was the one who knew where the healer's house was.
So that we wouldn't be afraid, she would tell us some things, because we could hear noises.
Suddenly she stopped, and in a low voice she told us not to move, that she felt that someone was spying on us. I remember that in the middle of the night, you couldn't see anything, but the atmosphere felt very strange. I think what I felt was fear. Others would have returned, but my friends knew that my mother needed a remedy.
As we started walking again, we heard a very loud screech, it was like a bat, we had heard them many times, but this one was longer and much louder.
We moved faster through the darkness and the bushes. I tried hard to see more clearly, but it was impossible. Sometimes we stumbled over some stones, but we were used to it.
Suddenly a large shadow flew in front of us, we felt it and looked at it despite the darkness, at that moment I didn't know what it was, now I know it was a giant bat.
It was horrible, it looked like a demon standing in the middle of the road, with its enormous wings, as if trying to prevent us from passing.
My friend Tere grabbed a stick to defend us, the screams were very loud and it began to fly around us, the noise of its flapping wings scared me a lot.
But we didn't stop, we had to get to the healer so she could help my mom.
Sometimes the trees would shake, as if something very heavy was resting on them. My friend Blanca would hug me and ask me not to look up.
As it was already very late at night, the cold began to set in and we continued walking along that path, which still gives me chills when I remember it, to this day.
After walking quickly for a while, we managed to see a house at the end of the dirt path. It was surrounded by almost dry trees and was dark, only a faint light was visible from some candles.
When we got to the house there were bats standing everywhere, in addition to the ones we could hear flying around us.
When we knocked on the door, a lady came out who seemed very ugly to me, and surprised she asked us what we were doing in that place at that time, how was it possible that we could have arrived in the middle of the night, if the flying monster was on the loose.
Blanca and Tere told her the reason why we were there and what we had been through. The lady prepared something for my mother and said that the bats in the region were not dangerous, that maybe someone wanted to harm my mother.
Or that if the giant bat had bitten her, she was in danger and we should hurry to bring her the remedy that he would prepare for us.
In that Lady's house there was no one else but us, but with the light of the candles suddenly I thought I saw shadows walking from one side to the other.
When we left that house, on the side of the road and in the middle of the darkness there was someone standing, it seemed like he was waiting for us, with bright eyes that suddenly took flight.
The Lady told us to be very careful and not to show fear to that flying thing, because it would smell our fear and attack us.
Holding hands, we walked back amidst the shrieks of many bats that fluttered above us, sometimes blocking our way, and we stopped for a moment.
About halfway there, that giant bat jumped on us, but my friend Tere wasn't going to let it hurt us and defended us with the stick she was carrying, while Blanca and I ran through all the little bats.
Later we met up, but we were already overcome with fear. Tere was a little hurt but she was fine and we continued on our way. I don't really know what time it was, but we were already tired.
Even though I was the man, my friends looked after me, and the rest of the way we spent shooing and fighting with the bats that never left us alone until we got to my house.
When Doña Elida saw that we were coming in the middle of those bats she came out to meet us, suddenly all those flying animals returned.
The Lady took what the healer had ordered and went to give it to my mother. When I looked at my friends in the light of the candles in the house, they were scratched by the bushes and their feet were covered in dust and a little blood.
After looking at and caring for my mother, we told Doña Elida about everything we had been through, about the giant bat and everything we saw, but especially about those bats that followed us the whole way.
She told us that the bats were not bothering us but protecting us, that surely the healer who was actually a white witch had sent them to protect us all the way from the other bat, that that one was evil and which we never saw again.
My mother, Mrs. Elida, that healer, my friend Blanca and my dear friend Tere have already passed away, I live remembering every day what we went through that night.
Copyright © 2018 Prabir Rai Chaudhuri
All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or stored in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other method, without the express written consent of the author. This includes, but is not limited to, publishing in any format (print or digital), translation into any language, adaptation, or any other form of distribution.
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horror stories