Where Are You Mommy-Horror Story
Short Story : Where Are You Mommy
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark ( Horror Story)
By Prabir Rai Chaudhuri . All Copyright Reserved 2018
Where are you Mom, horror story… Contacting Mictlán The protagonist of
this story claimed to have audio evidence, however when trying to collect the
audio it was intelligible and could not be heard, he promised that when he had
the information he would share it, for now this is his story.
I have had the opportunity to make contact with the afterlife,
unfortunately I did not have the results I expected because I have had a series
of bad experiences since then. Telling you about this is not something I really
like, but I feel I must do it.
I am currently thirty-five years old, I live alone and it is good that
I am still alone, because I think that no one would be able to bear what I am
going through at home because of an obsession I had with making contact with
someone I lost. I think that the best thing to do in light of all this is to
tell you how things began…
It happened to me just a few months ago at my parents' house, I was
visiting them because my mother had not been feeling very well in those days
and I wanted to help my father with the housework, precisely when it was almost
midnight my parents had to rush to the medical center, my mother had started to
feel a very strong pain in her chest and her arm had gone numb, I didn't want
to imagine the worst so I chose to stay home to wait for them and let this
bitter experience pass as had happened on past occasions.
I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, letting time pass and hoping
it was just a matter of getting over the scare.Horror stories
There were times when I heard noises coming from the garage that made
me think it was them returning from the ER, but that was not the case.
I was certainly nervous and very scared that I couldn't stand it, the
television wasn't enough to distract me, much less the cell phone.
It's a horrible feeling of desperation that one goes through when
waiting for news of a loved one and their well-being, I didn't want to feel
that anymore so when about two hours had passed I fell asleep on the living
room couch.
When I opened my eyes the television had lost the signal and since it
was not a new television, the annoying buzzing sound could be heard when it
does not pick up any channel. I got up from the couch to turn off the
television and saw my mother sitting on the couch next to where I was, she was
looking at me very attentively.
I was so glad to see her, I hadn't realized they had already arrived
and I was even happier to see her in good condition, but she just smiled at me
and didn't take her eyes off me, and at that moment the phone rang so I hurried
to answer.
It was my Father who, in a broken voice, told me that my Mother had
passed away an hour ago; he couldn't get in touch with me for some reason and
the phone had barely gotten a signal.
I told my father that this was impossible because I had just seen my
mother in the living room and had talked to her for a bit. I turned around to
look at her, but she was no longer there. The television picked up a signal
again and tuned in to an infomercial again.
It took me a while to realize that my father was speaking to me on the
other end of the line, and I ended up hearing, “When you can, come see your
My Father had to be lying to me, I was very sure that I had seen my
Mother next to me, but I also began to think that maybe I was the one who was
going crazy, this whole situation days ago had made me feel a lot of stress,
emotionally I felt devastated.
So, without further ado, I decided to head to the Medical Center to
confront my Father and see if what he had told me was true. It didn't take long
for me to arrive at the Hospital, and in turn, it didn't take long for me to
realize that my Mother's lifeless body was on the stretcher.
Over time I understood that what I was going through was called denial.
My Father welcomed me with open arms, while my Mother's two sisters were also
there. When I entered the room she was there, lifeless, unable to move, unable
to breathe. That day a part of my soul broke and would never be the same again.
Furthermore, something strange happened to me when I lay down on her
lap to cry. In my head I felt like someone was slowly caressing me. I looked up
and that feeling was gone. I could almost swear it had been one of my aunts,
but there was no one else in the room. I had been given some time alone with my
mother to say goodbye to her.
And a cold breeze passed right next to me and I saw how the curtains
were lifted by the strength of this gale and then everything calmed down.
Over time I came to the idea that my Mother had approached me to say
goodbye, she knew very well how much I hated hospitals so she went directly to
see me in spirit form.
But even if I had known that it would be the last time I would see her,
I would have told her so many things.
This feeling lasted a long time with me. I couldn't shake off the guilt
I felt for not wanting to go to the hospital and see her alive for the last
time. I visited her two or three times a week where we had buried her and tried
to express myself and tell her what I felt, but it was so hard that I ended up
breaking down from sadness.
And one day as I was walking to my Mother's grave for the second time
that week there was a woman standing to the side of where she rested
She was already an old woman, not so tall but with gray hair already
covering her entire head, of medium height, she was wearing a dark trench coat
that covered her completely, but what particularly caught my attention was her
right hand which she held up in front of her forming a cross with her thumb and
index fingers.
Her hand, unlike the full color of this woman's skin, was white and
very pale. I greeted her because I thought she was one of my Mother's friends,
but she waited silently until I stopped praying and then told me...
– I have a message from your mother, she asked me to return to her
sister the locket that she keeps in her music box – I was stunned by what that
woman had told me, I never imagined that that woman would tell me that so I
immediately asked her how it was possible that she knew, and she insisted with
her answer….
It's a message from your mother. She then left the cemetery. I ran home
to look for the locket she had mentioned to me and it was right there where the
woman had told me. I opened it and there was a photo of my aunt and her former
I went to give it to my Aunt, not only out of courtesy, but also to
find out more about that strange woman.
My aunt was very happy because she had thought that my mother had not
been able to recover it, since she had lent it to her a long time ago to pawn
it and get money.
I took the opportunity to ask my aunt about that lady, and she told me
that she was a spiritualist, her name was Chabela, and that she could help us
communicate with my mother, but she recommended that it was best to let her
My aunt certainly didn't understand the desperation I felt to speak to
my mother again, so I asked her to give me her address. Finally, after so much
begging, she gave it to me, but not before giving me a warning. Chabela had a
peculiarity that was different from the others, and that was that she couldn't
stand touching others, not so much because of germs or something like that, but
because she could perceive something coming from others when touching them.
When I arrived at Chabela's house, I asked her to help me because I
wanted to talk to my Mother, even if it was one last time. She told me that it
was not a good idea because my mother was going through the process of Judgment
and it was not advisable to attract spirits during this process. I asked her if
she knew how long this process would last, to which she told me that it was an
indefinite amount of time, since everything depended on the sins that the
person had committed.
in Peace. Her answer did not convince me completely, so I asked her
again to help me, even so, but she was very insistent on that, she approached
me and with her pale hand in the shape of a cross she grabbed my arm, she had a
strong shake that made me let go. She told me that she understood my feelings
but that she suggested that I be patient, she was fine because before going to
trial I contacted her to close that cycle of the reliquary.
To tell the truth, I didn't want to wait that long, I had to talk to my
mother, so I looked for someone who could help me, and that's when I found an
ad offering guaranteed jobs, cleaning and contacts with the afterlife. I called
to make an appointment, and a man answered.
He told me that he would need certain things to talk to them, and in
particular he asked me for an old television because he needed that noise to
contact them. I remembered that my father had a television like that, so I went
to his house to borrow it, telling him that I would return it soon.
The next day at night the witch came to my house and asked me to turn
on the television and keep it on a channel that had no signal. After saying
several prayers, he lit incense and then rubbed his hands with some strange
Then he passed them over the television screen and as if it were
something unreal, the face of a person was reflected there. I was certainly
excited to see this, I turned to look at the wizard and his eyes were white.
Where Are You Mom - Horror Story
I looked at the TV again and heard someone speaking, their words were
unrecognizable, but as a few seconds passed they became more understandable.
It was when the Wizard asked about my Mother and her voice was heard in
the background, I felt very relieved to hear her again but something took that
emotion away from me, I clearly heard her say "DON'T LOOK FOR ME",
and at the same time her face appeared on the television screen, the Wizard
came out of his trance and then it was just a lost signal, the Wizard told me
that my mother was in the process of trial or what they call Mictlán, it was
not at all convenient to contact her and that it was very likely that we were
opening a portal from there to our world.
To tell the truth, this didn't bother me at all, I thanked the Witch
and paid him even more than he told me, and I ended up buying his essences and
It has become an obsession for me to try to contact my Mother. I have
not been successful yet, but I have found a way to talk to more people.
This has certainly caused problems in my home and with me.
Well, in my house I have started to hear voices, doors closing on their
own and I can even hear someone walking down the hall.
I will stop doing this when I finally contact my Mother. But I still don't know how long her trial will last.
Copyright © 2018 Prabir Rai Chaudhuri
All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or stored in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other method, without the express written consent of the author. This includes, but is not limited to, publishing in any format (print or digital), translation into any language, adaptation, or any other form of distribution.
Unauthorized use, reproduction, or adaptation of this work will be pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.