Strange encounter, horror story…
A long time ago, around the year two thousand, I was barely nineteen
years old, a very strange event happened to me.
At that time it was winter season, it was a Friday afternoon, I don't
remember exactly what month it was, but I worked the evening shift. So as usual
I was working. Because the material I worked with in that factory was scarce, I
was able to return home early. At that time I lived at my parents' house with
my brothers.
When I got home I met my mother. I am usually very affectionate with
her and as usual I hugged her and kissed her. My mother was surprised that I
arrived home so early, so I explained to her that I was there because I was
short of supplies.
Horror stories
Later my mother told me that we were expecting visitors that night and
she would prepare a family dinner.
Some aunts would visit us and spend the night with us. This made me
very excited, I loved them visiting us because we always had a great time, we
played the lottery, we told jokes. I couldn't remember a day when we didn't
have a good time.
So my mother asked me to help her prepare dinner. We started looking
through the cupboards for all the ingredients we needed, we put everything on
the table, my mother noticed that we were missing several things. Since the
meal took a long time to prepare, my mother didn't have time to go to the
supermarket to look for what was missing.
Going back and forth would take up too much time, and I wouldn't have finished
dinner by the time my aunts arrived.
I had a car at the time, so I offered to go and get the ingredients
from the supermarket while my mother paid as much as she could in advance.
I looked for a notebook to make a list of everything I would have to
As soon as my mother finished telling me what I needed, I went to my
room, grabbed a coat, a beret, and the car keys.
I got into my car and drove for about twenty minutes. I didn't have any
problems on the way, the traffic was calm.
I arrived at the convenience store , the parking lot was half empty, so
I didn't have to struggle to find a parking spot. I got out of the car, grabbed
a cart, entered the store and began my expedition.
Just like the parking lot, the place was almost empty, there were very
few people in the aisles, this made me happy, because there would not be an
endless line at the time of paying and apart from the fact that I do not like
to wait, it was convenient to return home soon with the missing ingredients.
It seemed strange to me to see that all the lights in the last hallway,
at the end, were off. I didn't think much of it, because I thought that perhaps
the fact that the lights were off was because the bulbs were being replaced.
I went back to shopping. I took out the sheet of paper where I had made
the list of ingredients that my mother had dictated to me and I started looking
for things on the shelves.
I was having a great time when I started to hear moans coming from the
next hallway. The voices sounded like those of children.
This sound alarmed me, so I decided to look at the other aisle. There
were two children between ten and twelve years old. Thinking that their parents
had scolded them or something, I went to that aisle and looked at them more
closely, and to cover up, I started looking at some products on the shelf
closest to them.
The children were alone, crying non-stop. When I was about to go up to
them to ask them what had happened to them, a woman almost as young as me
approached. I realized it was their mother, because she immediately asked them
about what had happened that made them cry, while complaining about them not
bringing her some onions. Then I remembered that the vegetable aisle was at the
back, where the dark aisle was.
When the children heard their mother talk to them about the onions,
they started crying again and immediately told her that they had not been able
to bring the onions. This made the mother angry, who immediately asked them,
almost shouting, why they had not brought the onions. Then the oldest of the
children told her, between sobs, that there was someone in the hallway, who was
staring at them in a strange way and it scared them a lot.
The now furious woman grabbed her children's wrists and led them back
to the dark hallway. I remember taking my eyes off that woman and the children
for just a moment, I don't think it was more than a minute, when the three of
them, after having entered the hallway, instantly left the supermarket as soon
as they entered. This left me surprised; they didn't even buy anything.
After seeing the lady leave with the children, I tried to ignore what
had just happened and continued with my shopping, but I couldn't stop thinking
or imagining what had happened there that made them run out of the supermarket.
If the lady looked angry, it was because she needed to buy her groceries and
leaving like that without them was a silly thing to do.
I began to speculate what might be there. I thought of some ruffian,
some stalker or thief lurking in the hallway, taking advantage of the darkness
This thought struck me as stupid and ridiculous. It was not possible
that someone like that was there, since the employees of the establishment
would have already called the police. It would not take long to solve this
mystery, since the next products on my list were in that aisle.
I felt a little nervous about heading there, because at this point,
having thought so much about what would be there, it had become so suggestive
to me that I expected to encounter a ghost or something paranormal.
I left my cart, headed to the back aisle, and poked my head out to see
if anyone was there.
Indeed, those children were right, there was someone, but it was not
what I expected at the moment, I thought it would be some criminal or someone
trying to steal and maybe that would be the reason why the woman and the
children left the supermarket, but it was not like that, since what was found
was an elderly man, turned with his back, that was what was found, I did not
pay attention to it, I went into the blessed aisle to get the last things and
go home, it was only an elderly man. I did not feel that it was a risk.
I quickly searched through the shelves until I finally found what I
needed. I was about to turn around, but before I could, a very strange voice
appeared. In fact, it was so strange that I had never heard a voice like it
before in my life. It seemed cavernous and cancerous.
Horror Story-Strange Encounter
Horror story-Strange encounter
The voice asked me what I was doing there, the words seemed to come
from that old man, and to my surprise, I had not realized that the old man was
now next to me, but I was not afraid, 10 seconds passed when the man asked me
the same thing again.
Not getting a response from me, the man addressed me with a name I made
up and that was what they used to call me at an old job I had.
This surprised me, but far from scaring me, I decided to answer him
with a “Yes?” as if I was listening to him. The guy finally turned around to
look at me. There was nothing strange about it. The old man actually started a
conversation with me and we started talking. The man asked me things about
myself, like how old was I? Where did I live? Where did I work? etc.
I had a very pleasant conversation with the old man, then my small,
push-button cell phone of the time began to ring and I answered. It was my
mother, asking if I was on my way home. I answered yes, that I was about to
leave the mini-supermarket and go. I hung up. Then I told the old man that it
had been a pleasure to meet him, but before I left, the stranger mentioned something
to me that at first didn't make sense.
He told me to be careful, because around that time the black cowboy was
around and was taking the girls.
At that moment, again, I didn't give it much thought, I said goodbye,
grabbed my cart and went to the checkout to pay for the groceries. When I paid,
I grabbed the shopping bag and before leaving the store, I ran into the strange
old man again.
He approached me with a smile and as it would be the last time I would
see him, I shook his hand in farewell. Then the old man, instead of shaking my
hand, decided to take my hand and kiss it. I was surprised as I had never
imagined that he would kiss my hand.
I opened the door for the old man to leave and he left. I then left the
store, headed to the parking lot, got in my vehicle and started heading back
During my journey everything was calm, except a few minutes later, on
the edge of the road on the gravel in the distance I could identify and see a
creepy figure, a huge black horse and on it was its rider dressed in black
charro clothing, he was wearing a huge hat that covered his entire face and the
most chilling thing of all was that he was signaling me to stop.
I was not going to stop there, not because I was rude, because I
remembered that old man who had told me to be careful while I was alone. I knew
about the nature of this enigmatic character, so I stepped on the accelerator
of my vehicle, passing and leaving the rider and his horse behind.
I tried to get home as quickly as possible. I arrived and hugged my
mother tightly. She asked me if anything had happened to me on the way and, so
as not to worry her, I decided not to tell her.
That was without a doubt the strangest experience I had in my youth.
Copyright © 2018 Prabir Rai Chaudhuri
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