Lost in the Dark
My husband and I often go camping , we are an older couple, without children and with a lot of free time Lost In The Dark Horror Story. Until a few years ago , our neighbors invited us to spend a night at the Rancho del Venado, which is located a few kilometers from Tepatitlán, it was very close to where we lived, this place is known for being at the bottom of a cliff and the Verde River runs right next to there. It is a semi-solitary place during the week, perfect for camping or spending the night in the cabins, ideal for resting and forgetting about the city. It is a beautiful place ideal for us.
For those who do not know the place, it is very difficult to access, it is quite difficult for a small car to get down, due to the rough and difficult terrain, it is recommended to go down by truck.
We left Tepatitlán on a Thursday morning, with the intention of spending a long weekend at the cabin. When we arrived at the place we were surprised to find that it would only be us, our neighbors and the two of us , there were no other people who were going to camp .
As soon as we arrived we reserved the cabin for four people. Inside it was very spacious, and had a room for each couple. Outside it had an area for lighting bonfires, which was the first thing we did to help us scare away some animals and bugs. At first everything was going very well, between jokes, laughs and anecdotes that we lived as young people it was already getting late . It was just starting to get dark when my husband said that he needed to look for more firewood, since the one they had given us would not be enough. So he invited the neighbor to go look for some together in the forest. This is where things began to behave very strangely .
It had already been several minutes since he had left to look for firewood, when one of the maintenance guys approached the house, he didn't say anything, he just stood there watching us. A little uncomfortable with the situation, I approached him to ask if he needed anything. The young man, without saying anything, just shook his head, but did not take his eyes off me. I told him. We asked him to leave, but the boy didn't move, he seemed to be shy and the rats had eaten his tongue, until I spoke to him in a desperate voice, asking him why he didn't leave. That's when the local foreman immediately came running, apologized to us and told us that the boy was mute, and that he had only sent him for a moment to take care of us. This surprised me, but it was my neighbor who asked him what we had to be careful about. The foreman looked at us very seriously and said:
– It's not about who, it's About who, we were told that they saw people not from the Ranch around here, you better be careful. – Said the foreman and he took the mute young man with him. This undoubtedly bothered me quite a bit, even my husband was looking for firewood and it was already getting dark, an hour passed and we still didn't know anything about them. Personally, I am a very nervous person, who gets very worried not knowing where my husband is, so I told my neighbor that I would go out to look for them. I put on my jacket, grabbed a flashlight and went out to look for them . After a few minutes I was in complete darkness, the little light there was did not reach where we were, because as I said at the beginning, the ranch is at the bottom of a cliff. I called my husband several times, I even shouted the neighbor's name, but I did not hear either of them respond . However, when I stopped calling, strange noises began to be heard , at first they seemed to be children's laughter, I could hear them talking to each other . The first thing I imagined was that by the end of the day more visitors had arrived and were bathing in the Verde River. That calmed me down a bit knowing that we would not be the only ones. Armed with a little more courage, I decided to go a little deeper into the darkness , I turned on the lamp to search deeper into the forest for my husband … Only a few minutes passed, as the laughter intensified a little more, but it no longer sounded funny, among them were moans and cries, the laughter no longer came from children, but rather from older people. There came a time when I could no longer distinguish where the noises came from , everything around me seemed the same,
It was already completely dark, even strangely enough, even the light from the lamp could not get further than a meter away. The noises came from every corner . I started to get quite scared. I started to feel anxiety, which felt more and more intense, my breathing began to be short, I realized that it was necessary to calm down and find the way back to the cabin. But to be honest, I was already very lost , I did not know where to go .
After a few minutes of groping through the darkness, I managed to see a clearing without so many trees, it was my opportunity to leave the forest and call my husband from there, even more as I advanced the laughter and cries of the children were heard less, but this forced me to enter another part of the forest . It was then that I could see something that left me motionless for a few seconds, in front of me was floating and between the trees what seemed to be a huge bright sphere. I couldn't understand at first what was there, but when I saw the intensity with which it shone I could see that it was a huge ball of fire and it moved stealthily, it didn't hit the trees. Without further ado I decided to walk away and retrace my steps, I didn't know what I was up against and I didn't want to find out . That's when I heard the voices again , the moans and the laughter, I knew I was going back into where it had cost me so much work to get out. And at that moment, I could hear it, a strange murmur that could be heard with the wind. It was a voice that called me by my name, it worried me so much that I began to look for where I could hear it better. And without realizing it I was going deeper into the forest. I pointed the lamp forward, I could no longer recognize anything around me. If the intention of that voice I heard was to lose me and distract me, it had succeeded. I yelled a couple of times to my husband, I yelled to my neighbors, and I even asked for help. But the only thing I could hear was the laughter of those people in the distance , it seemed like they were making fun of me .
And in an instant, it seemed like the wind silenced those noises, because they stopped momentarily, but soon they were heard again, the laughter was now laughter, and the moans were now cries for help, I no longer knew what to think about what was happening, or if something would happen to me, It was inevitable to come to think that the same darkness was mocking me. But when I felt more fear, it was at a moment that everything was completely and absolutely silent, I could only hear my labored breathing, and when I tried to continue walking, they began to whistle among themselves, they called each other and they were heard closer than I could see.
Whatever it was, it was getting closer.
It had been more than an hour that I was lost when I managed to see a bonfire deep in the trees, I finally felt some relief to see that there was someone near me . I hurried to approach as quickly as I could, when next to me I saw something moving in the trees. I stood still and yes, there it was, the shadow of someone watching me. I thought it was some animal, maybe a raccoon because of its bright eyes, but this shadow stood up in such a way that it took the silhouette of a person who was staring at me. When I lifted the lamp to illuminate it, it ran away between the trees. Without thinking twice, I also ran from there to go to the bonfire that I had seen from afar.
But bad luck would be for me if what I saw from afar was that ball of fire that I had seen minutes ago.
That ball of fire began to dance and a whistling sound very similar to the one I had heard before came from it. I didn't know how to react anymore, so I started to pray because that had me totally out of control, I felt about to lose my mind, I didn't know where to go, or who to ask for help. The only thing I could think of was to curl up into a fetal position and pray to God for my life. To feel calmer, I repeated my husband's name several times, and fortunately this fear that I felt is what I consider to have saved my life. I heard footsteps very close to me, and someone stood next to me, took me in his arms and shook me completely and while he did so he spoke to me by my name.It wasn't until several seconds later that I recognized the voice. It was my husband, whose face was filled with the rush of looking for me. I hugged him so tightly that I didn't want to let go, I didn't want him to leave and not see me . He picked me up in his arms and without saying anything he took me to the cabin. It wasn't more than fifteen minutes of walking when we finally arrived , apparently I wasn't that far from the cabin . I only remember falling into a deep sleep.
The next morning, it didn't take long for me to wake up. I realized that they had put me to bed with all my shoes and clothes on. I left the room and found my husband, my neighbors and the foreman gathered in the kitchen. They were surprised to see me, my husband hugged me and repeated that he was very worried about me, and that no matter how hard they looked for me they couldn't find me, even the ranch workers themselves had gone out to look for me. That's when I decided to tell them everything that had happened, from the fireball I saw, the laughter and crying, and that shadow that wouldn't take its eyes off me. It was the foreman who looked at me most astonished of all.
– Madam, let me tell you something, it's very likely that you came across something that we had been looking for for some time, I can almost assure you that what you came across was a Witch, and what you thought was an animal could have been a nahual when it transformed. You were quite lucky to avoid making contact with those people. We had been told that they had managed to get into the Forest through other accesses and it's always the same with them. The mute boy who was looking after them yesterday had the bad luck of running into them a long time ago, and luckily we found him, naked, but alive. But unfortunately for him, he was without a tongue.
Then it was my husband who commented that they had managed to see something when the sun was just setting, they were already collecting the last of the firewood, when they managed to see an old woman walking among the trees and inviting them to follow her. It seemed strange to them to see an elderly person walking through the forest, and especially in the area and in the dark, but no matter how many times they called her or asked her questions, she ignored them.
The Foreman's recommendation was not to go out at night, or to try to return to our house, since they had not had any luck in capturing whoever was doing such witchcraft. This was something that was constantly happening to them and they could not keep control. For my part, I approached her.Later I met the mute boy and gave him a hug, I apologized if I had been very rude to him. I knew what he had experienced.
Since then I have not returned to the El Venado Ranch , I got to feel so scared that now at night it is very difficult for me to fall asleep, I need to sleep with some light to accompany me, and not be in complete darkness, In addition to that the whistling I hear at night, coming from other people makes my skin crawl. But today things have improved a little, I have come to feel a little calmer, however, it has been something that has left me marked forever.
Copyright © 2018 Prabir Rai Chaudhuri
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