The crying woman
Short Story : The crying woman
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark ( Horror Story)
By Prabir Rai Chaudhuri . All Copyright Reserved 2018
Today I would like to share a story that I experienced some time ago,
to be exact, it was seven years ago.
At that time I lived in a town in the state of Monagas, in eastern
. My name is William Tapias.
It was 2013, at that time I was living with my uncles and cousins.
It was the night of October 16th, I was getting ready to go to sleep,
after talking for a long time with my girlfriend.
At that time, making calls was still very common, but today it's all
about sending messages. My cell phone's battery didn't last very long, and a
call doubles the battery.
It wasn't that late yet, it was barely ten at night. I just hung up
before my phone went off, but not before saying goodbye. I had barely hung up
when the power went out, one of those blackouts that announce that a strange
night is about to come.
Finding nothing to distract me, I quickly fell asleep, but not for
At about eleven fifty-five at night, I woke up. I felt like those times
when you feel like you've had enough sleep, when you've only slept for an hour,
I wasn't sleepy at all.
My phone still had some battery left, but the power still hadn't come
back on. Although power outages were normal, the blackout that night felt
I got up and, taking advantage of the fact that I still had some
battery left, I used the light on my phone to look for a candle, but on the way
I felt like going to the bathroom, so I detoured to pee first.
Once inside the bathroom, I was overcome by a terrible chill. At the
moment, I didn't think much of it, I thought it could be something completely
normal. I immediately left the bathroom and went to the shelves where we kept
candles. I moved a thousand things, but I didn't find anything.
Then I looked out the window, there was a full moon. The sky was so
clear thanks to the lack of street lighting, and everything was so quiet. I
told my mind that the moon looked very beautiful.
I kept walking until I was in the middle of the kitchen, wondering
where my uncle had put the candles.
In the kitchen we have several cages with birds, which we cover with
sheets so they can sleep well. Suddenly they began to flap like crazy, moving
from one side to the other, something seemed to have upset them, although at
that moment I thought they had simply gone mad, I didn't feel scared or
anything like that, because I didn't suspect what was about to happen seconds
I was lost in my thoughts, I was beginning to feel a little tense, two
strange things were already happening to me.
At that point I began to hear a lament running through the streets, at
first it was very faint, but it soon became louder: Oh my children!
The Weeping Woman in Venezuela
the-weeping-woman-in-venezuela-1The crying woman in Venezuela 1
I knew immediately that it was La Llorona. I knew of this creature, but
I had never heard of it before. Listening to it really produces a feeling of
complete terror in your body.Horror stories
It's not just the fact of hearing it or thinking that this spectre is
lurking outside the houses, in the empty streets, but the sound it produces
causes such an impact that, I believe, if you listen to it for too long you
will go crazy.
I thought quickly and, out of fear, ran to hide in my cousins' room,
which was the middle room. My uncle was sleeping in the other room with his
wife, who was pregnant and about to give birth.
My cousins were not at home, so I found the empty beds, threw myself
into one of them and then covered my whole body, including my face, with a
I couldn't stop shaking. I started to think about what they say, that
if you hear her far away it's because she's really close and vice versa. I
don't know if it was because of fear, but her voice was heard everywhere, in
the hallways, in the streets, in the windows and doors, neither near nor far, I
don't know how to explain it, her crying was so strange and terrifying, it made
me feel as if my heart was going to jump out of my chest.
At that moment, as if on purpose, I heard something on the wall facing
my room. It was a very loud banging noise. There was no explanation for this,
since the room was empty.
Days before I had heard that same sound when I was alone in my room.
But when that happened, I suspected a neighbor, who was the grandmother of an
ex-girlfriend. She always looked at us with a dirty look when we played
outside. She looked like she was practicing witchcraft.
The dogs we had in the house, along with those of the neighbors, did
not stop barking in a desperate manner. I did not know what to do, I was so
scared that I could not even move. Then I took out my cell phone, and I was
surprised that it still had battery. I sent a text message to my uncle, asking
him to go to the room, because I was very scared. Unfortunately, he did not
read the message immediately. The events occurred from twelve o'clock until
three in the morning.
Around six in the morning, my pregnant aunt arrived at the room, but by
this time everything had calmed down.
Since I was calm, I told them everything that had happened, I felt
strange that they had not heard anything all night. Even so, they believed me,
even my uncle, who was the most incredulous. He told me that he only heard the
flapping of a very large bird outside his window, but not the crying bird.
I didn't go to school that day because I ended up sick with a fever. I
don't know if it was because of the scare or because I was soaked with sweat
for a long time. At ten in the morning my aunt began to have labor pains.
That day my cousins arrived and after I told them everything that
happened to me the night before, they didn't want to spend the night in the
house, just like me.
So we decided to go to sleep at another aunt's house, who lived nearby.
We knew that this house was also said to have paranormal events, but since we
never witnessed anything, we preferred to spend the night there. My cousins,
although they had not heard the crying woman, did hear the knocks on the wall
of my room and thought that everything that was happening was because of the
neighbor I told them about, who we thought was a witch and was angry with me
for not being her granddaughter's boyfriend anymore.
I have witnessed strange phenomena almost all my life, I don't know if
this is because I am not baptized. But everything I saw or felt as a child does
not compare to what I heard that night.
I don't know if the neighbor was really to blame for the crying woman
appearing in my house. I don't think so, because I don't believe that any witch
is capable of summoning a being of such magnitude. Apart from that, paranormal
events continued to occur in the house, but nothing like the crying of the
crying woman, whom I never heard again.
But the knocks on the wall, the strange behavior of the pets ...
Every night I went to bed afraid of hearing the crying woman come
What did happen was that the old lady in front of the house started
bothering me and throwing eggs in front of the door.
One night while I was sleeping, I was woken up by the barking of the
dogs. I thought it was all going to start again, so I covered myself completely
with the sheet again. This time, everyone was at home. This gave me a little
bit of security, because if the crying woman was heard again, it would be
difficult for everyone not to hear it.
The wall started to be hit, the same thing happened to my window. The
sound was so loud that I thought the glass inside the window frame would break.
Fortunately, the crying bird did not make itself present, but the
fluttering that my uncle spoke of was very strange; I have never heard a bird
that could produce that sound.
Once again I was paralyzed with fear. Minutes later my cousins ran
into my room and turned on the light, which managed to bring me out of my
momentary paralysis.
They asked me if I had heard the flapping, just like them. I told them
yes. We did not understand how it was possible that this sound could be heard
in two places at the same time.
For several days we heard nothing. I don't know if it was because the neighbor moved house.