Souls of the Full Moon - Horror Story.
Short Story : Souls of the Full Moon
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark ( Horror Story)
By Prabir Rai Chaudhuri . All Copyright Reserved 2018
This story was shared by a cousin who for many years refrained from mentioning it, certainly the comments that he makes known to us in the story are properly his experience, but it is still worth noting that the events that happened to him coincide with experiences told by the same locals of the municipality of Santa Ana Maya, and the Municipality of Huacao… Both municipalities are separated by only a few kilometers and are from different states of the republic. Without further ado, what you are about to hear is the story told directly by the protagonist of the story.
My name is Julio Franco, I am not usually very expressive and I even like to stay on the edge of personal relationships, because personally I consider it to be a nuisance.
However, it is a great effort that I make when talking to someone, and although I have improved lately, it has always been hard work.
I found out that Lengua de Brujo was looking for stories from our family, so I finally decided to share my story that I kept to myself for so long and I hope you'll forgive me if I didn't mention it because in the end the last thing I wanted was to make the family uncomfortable with my situation and emotional state.
It all happened one day when a cousin's family invited us to the baptism of one of their children. We have an uncle who is dedicated to the Priesthood and almost every time there is a family event that involves the Catholic religion we are summoned to the parish house wherever he is. No matter what state it is, the vast majority of the family has always met together. Obviously, this has decreased over time, as the family has grown in different parts of the Republic and the world, making them fewer and fewer.Horror stories
That is why I had no intention of missing this meeting. My father had recently passed away and my uncles, the parents of the cousin who was to baptize his son, were really attentive and kind to my father, and I wanted to repay their gratitude.
Horror story-Souls of the full moon
I arrived on my own at the parish house just a few minutes before the mass began, my younger brother (who was already about twenty-five years old) and my Mother were already there.
When the ceremony was over, I greeted the entire family and I particularly approached my uncles to thank them for their support during my father's most difficult moments. My mother at that moment seemed very restless and anxious, she remained alone the whole time we were eating.
She asked me to stay with her for a moment, after which she confessed to me that she did not feel comfortable at all and asked me to take her to Santa Ana Maya to take a bus to Mexico City . It should be noted that my mother always felt excluded by her family, she never felt comfortable or welcomed by the family, I think that is why I came to acquire something of her conduct and behavior.
I said yes, I had no problem taking her, I just asked for a little time to prepare everything.
Santa Ana Maya is not far from Huacao, to be exact it is less than twenty minutes by car, and it is almost a straight line. What is so striking is that you cross one state to get to the other.
However, if one does the journey on foot it takes more or less an hour, and this Hour became for me the most eternal of all.
When I took my mother to the Santa Ana Maya bus station, I felt that my car was behaving strangely, it even felt very slow and that it had a hard time moving forward. To be honest, I had not put it into service for quite a while, so I understood why it was failing.
My mother told me not to return to Huacao and that I should instead look for a hotel in Santa Ana Maya. I told her that I wanted to give a present to the baptized child in honor of the support my father and I had given each other. My mother just made a face and gave me her blessing.
The car stopped failing me as soon as I was about to take the curve towards Huacao, I had to park right behind a large sign, it was already dark and I didn't have a lamp with me to check the engine, and my cell phone was very old compared to the ones that exist today, it didn't have a flashlight. I tried to call the Parish House but there is never any signal in that area. So I thought that the most sensible thing at that moment was to walk to Huacao and ask some Uncle to help me bring the car back or help me the next day.
So I headed towards Huacao, right on the side of the road.
Thinking back, I remember seeing several people walking while there was still light. My Uncle the Priest told us that many people preferred to avoid the small truck that took them to Huacao. I could have done that, but at that time it was very certain that there would be no bus ride, or maybe I could have looked for a taxi, but I was more interested in walking at night on the side of the road .
I certainly didn't know what I was thinking, the night was freezing, because as I walked there was no trace of any car approaching or moving away, the only thing that illuminated my path was the light of the Moon which was in its full moon phase.
What puzzled me somewhat was seeing that a gigantic ring had formed around the moon.
It was something incredible that I had never seen before in the city, and to see it in the middle of the night and alone was something incredible for me.
Horror story-Souls of the full moon
horror story-Souls of the Full Moon
I had already left the last houses of the Santa Ana Maya settlement several meters behind, and at that point something worried me when I saw at the end of the road that was approaching me on the same side I was walking on. As we got closer to each other I could make out that it was a person dressed in white, walking clumsily on the asphalt.
I thought it might be some drunk, but as I got closer to the person, I could see that it seemed to be a woman. I say it seemed to be because her clothing, which was a tight white skirt, gave me the impression that it was one. However, her face didn't look like a woman's or a man's. Her black hair hung down to the sides and when she looked up at the moon I could see that her face looked like it was a skull.
I still remember its eye sockets and nose and just when it stopped in front of me it couldn't take its eyes off me. I moved to the side of the road to pass by but that thing stopped dead and kept staring at me. I quickened my pace as much as I could and that's when I heard it start calling me, it made a noise similar to that of an owl. I didn't want to turn around at all so I kept going until I couldn't hear it anymore.
It was like this that perhaps 5 minutes passed before he stopped calling me, so I decided to hurry up and get to my family as soon as possible.
There was a stretch where I got desperate because the path was the same on both sides and it didn't change, I even got to the point of wondering if I had made a mistake, it was when I noticed that on one of the electricity poles there was a person leaning, and as soon as he saw me he headed towards Huacao, I started to run to catch up with him, but that person was faster than me.
I started yelling at him to ask him to stop, and it was strange because this person wasn't running, he was just walking and I couldn't catch up with him, I had no breath left to keep up with him so I let him go and little by little I lost track of him completely. Then I started to imagine that maybe he thought it was some spirit that wanted to reach him, I would have done the same, although I would have liked to spend a moment next to someone, and maybe even talk because in that place fear began to take over my nerves.
Wherever I looked, I saw only darkness, with the occasional flickering light in the darkness.
Then, through the cornfield, I could see a light passing through it. It was quite fast for a person, as it went up and down, looking like it was looking for a way out of the cornfield.
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And in a second it went out, I didn't know what it could be about and something chilling started to happen when I heard something from the other side of the road, a series of murmurs coming from the other end, I don't know why, but at that moment I had the sensation that everything was getting much darker than it was, the moonlight was no longer as intense as before.
And that’s when I saw him, kneeling on the asphalt, a person was muttering something, which I managed to identify as a prayer and that it was the Lord’s Prayer. I remembered that my uncle, the priest, had told us that people from the town of Huacao made vows to the Virgin of Santa Ana Maya. In an instant, that scene seemed chilling to me, but I remained silent out of respect. That person watched me as I advanced on my knees, stopped and at the same time waited in silence. I saw her but did not stop walking, and she told me something that worried me quite a bit…
-Your Father is waiting for you up ahead- I heard him perfectly well, a feeling of suffocation invaded my chest, I didn't know if that person really knew what he was saying, or if he was joking, I thought that perhaps he had seen the other individual that I tried to reach and thought it was my Father, without answering him anything I continued moving forward and that person continued on his way.
Many minutes later I spent time in silence, listening only to my breathing, still thinking about what that woman had told me.
But a few meters ahead, under the darkness of a tree, I could see someone walking towards the middle of the road, and as I got closer, I saw that he had his back to me.
My fear was exponential when I noticed that the back of his neck and back seemed familiar to me. His height, hair color, even his clothes were very familiar to me.
It was my Father who was turning his back on me. I stopped, I remember very well that I started to wonder if it was a bad dream, or something bad that my mind was playing on me at that moment. I could even hear my heart beating, my ears were ringing from the pressure that was running through my veins.
It was when I spoke to my Father asking him if it was him, but he didn't answer me, he turned his back on me, his gaze was even in the direction of where Huacao was, towards where the family was, and in the middle of the darkness and in the absolute silence the words he said to me still echo in my head just like at that moment:
-Keep moving forward and don't look back – This is what I heard him say, he always told me when he saw me depressed when one of my projects fell through.
I took a couple of steps to hug him, but he also took steps away from me, and then said to me:
-It's not your time yet - I understood, I would have to keep walking without following him. So I continued, but not before telling him that I missed him a lot and that I needed him. Without looking back and continuing on my way I said goodbye to him.
After a few meters I had the disturbing sensation of looking back, but that was when I saw again that glow that could be seen between the cornfields. It came and went and rose and fell until it was gone.
Horror story-Souls of the full moon
To this day I don't know if it had any relation to my father or not, but I was grateful to see him again.
The moonlight was restored and my eyes had already become more accustomed to the darkness, that's when I could see the soccer fields of Huacao, I was already quite close that I even saw some houses with the lights on inside. That's when my phone rang and it was one of my uncles asking me if I was okay.
They picked me up immediately and when I saw the car that had come for me I identified it as my uncle the priest's, I got in and told him everything that had happened.
He laughed at me, but not in a mocking tone, but in a peculiar way where he was glad that I had gone through that kind of situation. He told me that Aunt Celina had told my Mom to try not to return so late, because the locals recommended not to walk along that route in full moonlight, it was said that the spirits came out to walk but it was not known if they were good or bad.
Something that may be out of place in what I'm telling you is that when we arrived at the parish house everyone was waiting for me because I had already told them that I had a surprise for the baptized person, although he was already asleep, I told them that I had a Chinese kite of those that rise with a candle, however, I remembered that I had left it in the car.
I kept this to myself for years, because I was so happy to see my father. I only told my brother because we both had a rather special relationship with him. He was perhaps not the best of fathers, nor was he known for loving us, but I think he knew that.