The cursed house…
Short Story : The cursed house.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark ( Horror Story)
By Prabir Rai Chaudhuri . All Copyright Reserved 2018
I always hated the house where we spent our holidays as children…
Forgive me if I start this story in such a selfish way, because I can’t
find any other way to express the hatred I acquired for the place where my
father thought it would be a good idea to be during the summer holidays, so I
would like to tell you what we went through in a house and especially the
experiences my younger sister had. Without further ado, here is my story.
The family settled down for a summer in a house on a hill. It was
completely alone, with no neighbours around us or any sign of civilisation
nearby. It was dark inside. According to my father, this house was more than
fifty years old when we moved in, and I'm sure it could last another hundred years
like this, as no one dared to enter it.
As soon as one entered the house, one found oneself before a monstrous
building in which the walls were built with thick bricks, it seemed as if it
was built in another century because the architecture gave it the appearance of
being very old .
For many years this house was oppressed by an intense silence so that a
word from us could make the wood of the furniture creak, one could perceive a
strange aroma in the air one breathed. But whatever was living in there before
we arrived, lived in absolute silence and solitude.
The idea of moving to a quieter place during the summer holidays was
my father's. We wanted to go to the beach, but because of his job he needed to
finish the project he had on his plate. He was an architect and he was doing
quite well, he already had a series of articles published in various gazettes
and newspapers. In addition, the sale of his projects helped us support the
whole family.
There are five of us in total, my older brother named Bernardo, my
parents, and then the two of us… My sister named Lucia and I were born on the
same day, the whole family identifies us as “los cuates.”
We don't look much alike, each one has their own character and we are
physically different, but in particular it is with Lucia who has a special gift
which is seeing Spirits or Ghosts, in my case they say that I also have a gift,
but it is different from hers, I usually perceive or hear them but not see
them, in a way that calms me, but since I share a room with my sister, at night
her screams and cries are a real terror.Independent Horror MoviesHorror
storiesIndependent Horror Movies
One night while everyone was sleeping, the rain had arrived without
warning. We had only been living in that house for a few days so it was just a
matter of getting used to the noises and shadows. That was when a sob woke me
up. It was my sister who had her face covered with her teddy bear. She was
sleeping next to me. We were a couple of meters apart. I saw that she was quite
uneasy so I thought of asking her if she was okay. She cried and said no,
shaking her head from side to side.
This had certainly become a custom in the family, so I already knew how
to help her and what I had to do. I got out of bed and lay down next to her.
Curiously, this caused the ghosts or spirits she saw to go away. Once
she was calmer, I asked her to tell me what she had seen.
He told me that he could see someone sitting on the edge of his bed and
starting to hum a song, he knew it was a woman because of the sound her voice
When my sister opened her eyes she realized that the woman had gotten
so close to her face that she was just a few centimeters away from her.
He covered himself with the sheets so he couldn't see her anymore, but
that woman kept humming in front of his face.
My dad had already told her that when she was scared she should pray,
and whatever was scaring her would go away.
So I thought I would ask her the most sensible thing for me at that
moment… Is he still here?… She pointed behind the door, but I couldn't see
I turned on the light of the night lamp that we had next to us and I
still couldn't see anything, however, it was my sister who covered her entire
face. I stayed by her side until she fell asleep and I stayed by her side.
The next morning the first thing I did was approach my parents to talk
about Lucia. They mentioned to me that they had heard her crying, but in
particular they heard someone singing in our room.
My brother Bernardo told me something that left me a little surprised,
because he mentioned that he had seen a woman walking in the hallways in just
her nightgown, but he hadn't seen her face and, in addition to that, she was
singing a song in a very low voice. This certainly made me more uneasy, because
whatever it was, I hadn't been able to perceive or hear anything.
Right after breakfast, Dad had a surprise for us. He told us that he
had invited Uncle Jorge to spend a couple of days at the house and that he
would not be coming alone, as he would bring his daughters, my aunt and his
We were quite happy about it because we played a lot with my cousins,
they were approximately the same age as us, about 7 or 8 years old, and I
personally really liked talking with my uncle Jorge because he had many stories
that caught my attention so much that he kept me entertained for a long time.
I also noticed that both my Mother and Father were happy to receive my
Uncle's visit. He was the younger brother who was always in a good mood and
looked after the well-being of his nephews and that afternoon he arrived as
promised, loaded with various gifts and surprises. But there was something that
excited me more about my Uncle's visit, and that was that he shared a
peculiarity similar to the one that Lucia and I had.
When I had the first opportunity, I told my uncle that I wanted to talk
to him about what had happened in the room, especially with the intention of
knowing if he would find something that I had missed. Once in the room, he
began to examine every corner, under the bed, inside the closet, there was no
part of the room that he did not examine.
He told me that he felt a rather strong negative energy, after which he
remained silent for a minute, observing one of the corners of the room.
When I approached him to ask if he was okay, he seemed to have woken up
from a trance, looked at me and leaned over to tell me to take good care of
He stood up and looked at the corner again, at that moment he raised
his voice and cursed the being he was seeing at that moment, I could not see
anything abnormal, much less perceive anything, but my Uncle continued
insulting whatever was there.
They stayed overnight that night, my Uncle asked my Father to let him
rest in our room, no one thought it was strange so they agreed to his request.
The next day my Uncle Jorge complained of intense pain in his back, saying
that he felt like he had a very heavy load. My father asked him to stay one
more day, but he insisted that he couldn't, besides he had to take his
mother-in-law back to her house and it was a long journey.
That night while we were all asleep again my sister Lucia woke me up
but this time it was not with a cry but with a terrible scream that scared me
so much that it woke me up completely.
I asked her what was happening but she didn't tell me anything, she
just pointed at the ceiling and I turned around and didn't see anything.
Immediately my parents entered the room and behind them Bernardo, they asked
her what was happening or what was happening but she simply pointed at the
ceiling, we calmed her down and finally she told us that she had seen my uncle
Jorge stuck to the ceiling of the room, he was beaten with both arms extended
to the sides and that he was not breathing.
My father told him that it could be a nightmare due to what had
happened the day before and that it was necessary for him to try to rest and
that he would contact my uncle Jorge first thing tomorrow morning to make sure
everything was okay.
Lucia fell completely asleep, but I couldn't sleep because I kept
staring at the ceiling for a long time. I didn't know what I wanted to see or
what I could see, but I began to perceive something that didn't leave me at all
The next morning, an hour before my father called his brother, a
policeman knocked on the door. Bernardo was the one who opened the door and
told my father about the presence of this man. He asked to speak to my father
alone. After several minutes, my father returned with a very different
The police officer told him that my uncle had suffered a rather serious
accident. The van they were in had completely overturned and my cousins, my
uncle Jorge, and his wife had died in it. His mother-in-law had been taken to
the emergency room immediately.
This obviously came as a shock to the entire family, we didn't know
what had happened or what had occurred.
My sister Lucia had certainly seen my uncle Jorge hurt that night. It
is difficult to admit it, but the days go by slowly when a family member dies.
We feel that we will never get out of this ordeal, but it is only a matter of
The funeral services were held in the house where we were staying. Dad
had lost interest in continuing with the project but he still had to work on
that house so he didn't want to go too far. My uncles' family and childhood
friends attended, while Lucia and I remained inside the house. We both didn't
feel like attending a funeral.
I found myself walking through the halls of the house on my own,
thinking about everything I had experienced with my uncle, but at the same time
remembering how small my cousins were and that they died at such a young age.
And then I heard a humming sound. I thought it was my mother, or maybe
Lucia, who was singing, but from one of the rooms I saw a woman in a long
nightgown come out. She didn't seem to be walking, but rather floating.
The Cursed House
The cursed house
I felt like I was short of breath, and that woman vanished from my
I ran to tell Lucia what had happened to me and she told me that she
had also seen her and had even gone into the room to warn him not to mess with
her or the same thing would happen to us as to our uncle Jorge.
We decided to tell my mother what was happening and she began to take
action on the matter. She felt quite uneasy about being in that house because
several things had already happened to us, so she asked my Father to call
someone to help us bless the house. That certainly helped me calm down, but I
saw that my sister was still very nervous.
He said that he saw shadows all the time and that there were people
standing next to his bed and that no matter how much he prayed as Dad
suggested, it didn't work.
The spiritualist arrived the next day, placed incense and other
artifacts that I don't remember exactly what they were like, and asked us to
point out where the greatest activity had taken place. We told him that it was
our room.
Upon entering, she mentioned that she noticed a strong negative energy,
it was as if the house itself was telling her that it did not want us in there,
and then one of the candles she was using broke in two by itself.
Then the others followed until all the candles were broken. He told my
parents that it was necessary for them to leave that house, what was there was
stronger than anything he had ever faced.
I think I owe this to my Uncle, may he rest in peace. My Dad still did
not want to return the house because he still had work, however, we had a
sudden visit from my Uncle's mother-in-law who asked to speak to all of us. She
told us what had happened the night of the accident.
“Even though it was nighttime, Jorge drove very well and without any
problems. He was telling us what he had seen in the children's room and that it
was something dangerous and that at the first opportunity he had he would
return with some help or to persuade his brother to leave the house. It was
when a woman in a long nightgown crossed the road, causing Jorge to swerve and
overturn the truck:”
My father became convinced in some way that there was something strong
there that he could not confront and was taking us out of that place. He had no
choice but to abandon the project and bring us back.
I said it from the beginning, I hated that house we lived in back then,
so much so that we had to lose family to realize it.
Now my father works in construction as a project engineer and we live in a more stable place, but even at night I have the feeling that I can hear that humming.
Copyright © 2018 Prabir Rai Chaudhuri
All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or stored in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other method, without the express written consent of the author. This includes, but is not limited to, publishing in any format (print or digital), translation into any language, adaptation, or any other form of distribution.
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